The Sacrament of Baptism for your child

After the instruction session you will have the opportunity to book the date of your child’s Baptism.
During the week leading up to Baptism you will be asked to come to an appointment with the Parish Priest who will discuss the service with you and finalise paperwork for the Baptism. This appointment is also made after the instruction session.
Start thinking about who you would like to be your child’s godparents. Godparents should be Christian. At least one Godparent should be catholic. This is because they will promise to be a Christian guide to their godchild.
We look forward to welcoming you and your family and friends to St. Francis Xavier’s for the celebration of your child’s Baptism. If you wish to discuss any other questions about the Baptism email or telephone the parish office and we will be delighted to help you.
Baptism is birth into the new life in Christ.
It is one of the 7 sacraments and through it your child is warmly welcomed into the Church Community.
How can we have our child Baptised?
Normally, one or both parents would be a catholic for your child to be baptised into the Church. (One of the baptismal promises is to bring up your child in the practice of the catholic faith.)
The first step is to book onto one of the instruction sessions which take place on the 1st Saturday of each month from 9am until 10am in SFX Parish Hall. Both parents are asked to come to this 1-hour session. Only one 1-hour session is required and we hope it is possible for parents to arrange childcare for that occasion.
To Book: email or telephone 01432 373483.